ASHRAE Atrium Smoke Control Calculator Excel XLS

ASHRAE Atrium Smoke Control Calculator Excel XLS

Download   ASHRAE smoke control calculator excel xls for free. This excel sheet will help you design smoke management system for atrium buildings. The atrium in buildings refers to the large open area located in the center of building. 

Download also: smoke and ventilation calculation excel sheet. 

Download Free Atrium Smoke Control Calculator Excel xls
 ASHRAE Atrium Smoke Control Calculator 

ASHRAE smoke control Calculator:

AtriumCalc consists of a number of routines that are commonly used for analysis of atrium smoke control systems. For AtriumCalc, the term atrium is used in a generic sense to mean any large-volume space.

AtriumCalc calculate the following:
1: Smoke Exhaust w/ Axisymmetric Plume
2: Smoke Exhaust w/ Balcony Spill Plume
3. Smoke Exhaust w/ Balcony Spill Plume
4: Preventing Plug holing
5: Airflow to Control Smoke

Download Atrium Smoke Control Calculator

This spreadsheet will help users of Atrium have a good understanding of atrium smoke control technology. This information goes beyond what is in Atrium and its documentation, and the information in AtriumCalc and its documentation is only intended to provide an understanding of AtriumCalc and refresh the memory of users about some aspects of smoke control technology.

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