Water Softener Sizing Excel Calculator xls

Water Softener Sizing Excel Calculator xls


Download water softener sizing calculator excel sheet program xls. Hard water softener is used to remove minerals from water, the sizing of this softener depends on many parameters such as the amount of grain required to be removed per gallon and the water usage per day. With this excel sizer you will obtain the specifications of the required water softener or filter.

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Water Softener Calculator
Water Softener Sizing Excel Calculator

Water contains dissolved minerals such of Calcium, Magnesium, and Iron. The removal of these minerals is accomplished by softening the water through an ion exchange process.

When the water flows through the mineral tank, the dissolved minerals attach to the resin, creating soft water. Over a period of time the resin will become exhausted, and the softener will regenerate using a brine solution produced from the salt in the brine tank.

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with the following excel program you can calculate the size of water softener and know all information required to select the convenient softener for your usage.

Download Water Softener Sizing Calculator xls

The following are extracts from ASPE Data Book, Volume 2, Chapter 11 - " Water Treatment, Conditioning, and Purification".

Hardness: is a measure of the total calcium, magnesium, iron and other metallic elements that contribute to the "hard" feel of water. Carbonate, sulfate, and chloride salts of these elements are responsible for most of the scaling deposited on pipe and boiler walls.

Generally accepted practice limits the term "hardness" to include only calcium and magnesium. Hardness is usually expressed in terms of mg/L (ppm) as CaCO3.

Often, Water is characterized in general terms by the amount of hardness as follows:

  • Soft: 0 - 75 mg/L (ppm) as CaCO3
  • Moderate : 76 - 150 mg/L (ppm) as CaCO3
  • Hard: 151 - 300 mg/L (ppm) as CaCO3
  • Very hard: > 300 mg/L (ppm) as CaCO3

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